Color is Magic!
Discover the colors that make you sparkle! When you wear your best colors, you will look younger and healthier!
Based on your unique coloring (skin, hair, eyes), you will discover:
- How to make color work FOR you – not AGAINST you
- Your best colors – cool or warm
- Your best light and dark neutrals
- Your contrast: high, medium, or low
- How to pair colors to create your best contrast
- Style and design tips to make you appear slimmer
Save Time. Save Money:
Use your color swatch to choose colors only in your color scheme – and shun those that are not. Shopping will be a breeze!
Surprisingly, this knowledge ELUDES many celebrities and successful people.
Color Analysis is NOT just for women! It has HUGE benefits for men and children too! Consider family photos!! Rarely do family members share the same color seasons.
Sorry, Ken. This is not your color! But it IS Aunt Nancy’s!
Clara Mae, 8 year old granddaughter, while playing with Barbie and Ken
And Clara is absolutely right! It’s never too young to discover the colors that make you sparkle!